Meet the Mechanic - Stephen

How did you begin working in the commercial vehicle industry?

I started off as an apprentice in the 80s working within the haulage industry. I completed my apprenticeship and I was there for 13 years; this is where I got most of my experience from. After that, I worked for some plant businesses. Before I started at TIP, I was in a van factory.

What does a typical day at work involve for you?

I like to come in early, get my pad and log on to see what needs to be done for the day. It might be something from the day before or something new. Sometimes I work on routine jobs but sometimes there are challenges, so every day is different.

What do you like about working for TIP?

I like that you’re not pushed here to get jobs done as quickly as possible, we get to take our time to ensure we do the job properly. It’s also quite social here, we bring cakes, biscuits etc. and have them together in the canteen. The workshop is also 250 x better than where I’ve been before. We have heating here for the winter, running water and it’s just nice working here.

What are the top 3 most valuable skills you’ve learnt whilst working at TIP?

I’ve learnt how to use tablets and the software here at TIP. I’ve learnt how to develop relationships with customers and I’ve been on various courses since I started, including tail lift and double deck courses.

What is your biggest work achievement?

We had a large list of one specific customer’s trailers to get out, we took on a big load of repairs to drums, shoes, cams etc. and we got them all out. It’s nice to see a big job like that done, especially because just the two of us were working on them.

What do you like to do in your spare time?

I like to go to the gym, I go biking and walking. I like to be outdoors.

Can you tell us an interesting fact about yourself?

I support the Wasps, I’m a big fan!


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