Sustainable products

At TIP Group, our leasing and rental offerings promote circularity as it already extends the lifespan of the assets we offer to our customers. A sharing economy model encourages the reuse and efficient utilization of our assets. Adding to TIP Group’s business model, the Sustainable Products program focuses on reducing carbon emissions and promoting cleaner transportation solutions.


We are transitioning our fleet of refrigerated trailers to electric motors powered by batteries, aiming to significantly reduce carbon emissions during operation. Collaborating with industry leaders, we are exploring innovative solutions such as solar-powered systems and kinetic-powered models.

In addition to electrification, we are investing in alternative fuels like natural gas and hydrogen. This investment extends to infrastructure improvements, including more charging stations at our sites and e-maintenance services to support our electric vehicle fleet. We are also introducing double-deck trailers to increase payload capacity and reduce carbon emissions.

Through initiatives like these and the adoption of TIP Insight, our telematics system, we are empowering our customers to optimize performance and reduce their carbon footprint.

Our Sustainable Products

e-Reefer :electric:


Partnering with our customers in electrifying their cold fleet chain

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e-Trucks :electric:


Electric truck engines for more sustainable transport

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TIP Insight

TIP Insight

Our range of telematics-based digital and connected services that makes our customers’ businesses more competitive through real-time visibility and advanced analytics

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eLCV :electric:


Electric Light Commercial Vans are electric-powered delivery vans. Perfect for urban ‘last mile’ deliveries!

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TIP Group’s licensed technicians take customer’s old trailer and extend its usable lifetime with a complete restoration.

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Please get in touch with our Innovations comittee at to learn more about our innovative solutions